Bring your luxury designer pieces to us and all the work is done for you! We will list your items, and share them among our extensive list of clients for sale. We sell here online, through our Instagram, as well as in-store. Please note, that not all merchandise will be listed on our website.
We split 50% of the final selling price with you on all items, with the exception of ALL Chanel and Hermes handbags. Handbags from Hermes and Chanel receive a 60/40 split in favor of the seller (that's you!) Other exclusions may apply, please contact us for more details. .
You may be asked to provide a receipt in certain instances. Larger ticket Hermes items, such as a Birkin or Kelly require a $50 authentication fee. The certification is yours to keep, and this fee is refunded upon the sale of your bag.
If you would like to sell with us, or would like more detailed information about our consignment policies please email with photos of your pieces.
Please see our Accepted Brands list for more details